Posted by:
at Tue Jul 25 10:46:51 2006 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by bcijoe ]
I often think about this too Jeff.. so you're not alone.
Now mind you, Ihaven't had much time to dedicate to breeding boas lately, but I have been slowly collecting some other 'wretched species' that practically breeds itself... lol
So, I have these cool black racks I got from some 'big shot boa breeder' (lol) and I do have both boas, and those other wretched things in there too...
So, like I said, those other wrethced beasts practically breed themselves.. and it seems like everytime I check the cages, or during feedings, I notice another female sitting atop a pile of eggs (damn, wretched beasts..), and i've had great luck with undisturbed maternal incubation inside these fancy black boxes... soooo Whenever feeding time comes around, the smell and the sight and the movement around them seem to disturb them a bit. Many times, they half-uncoil off the eggs as if they are getting defensive or are just plain hungry, waiting for that rat, and this always bothers me a bit... guess you can say i'm always worried they'll abandon the pile of eggs after that... but it hasn't happened yet!
So all's well that ends well!?
Hey Jeff, will we be seeing you this year in that big fun house they call the NRBE in Daytona Beach?
Take care, Joe Rollo
coming soon --->
----- Thanks and take care - Joe Rollo 'Tis not the stongest of the species that will eventually survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change' Charles Darwin
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