Posted by:
at Fri Jul 28 13:28:57 2006 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by RyanHomsey ]
makeup of the bloodline.
I have heard theories in regards to normals from hypo litters getting some kind of a color boost from the single gene mutation itself. I disagree with that as, to my understanding, it defys the function of a single gene mutation... whereas the allele is like an on/off switch, it either effects them or it doesnt. Although, as Tim Maggee likes to point out, genetics arent always black and white.
The polygenic makeup of the bloodline is what contributes to the variation IMO. Take a look at the hypo het albinos that burke has for example. They have thick and bright saddles and solid tail splotches (for the most part, obvious there is variation). I think for alot of individuals I could ID a hypo as a burke line without even knowing. I imagine there is similiar identifying appearances in the normals, although I've never seen one.
Thats an absolutely amazing/bright albino you have there. Blows away many many sunglows. Goes to show ya, when it comes down to it, the polygenic influence of the bloodline can play more of a role than the single gene mutation!
>>I have noticed that salmon/hypo siblings can sometimes inherit certain characteristics that defines what makes a salmon a salmon, and a hypo a hypo. Any Ways LOL, I would like opinions about if you think some albinos from sunglow litters can inherit the looks of actual sunglows. Any picks would be great if you think your salmon sib or sunglow sibs represents some similar traits that express the morph itself. I feel(Remember just my opinion) that this albino I purchased from a sunglow litter does show a lot of simiarities of an actual sunglow. I think the deep red saddles and medalins and white base around them contribute to what defines sunglows as. Even the pattern style looks to me as a hypo/salmon trait. What gives everything away is the thick clear rings that border the tail pattern and clear outline that traces the saddle marks. She's definitely one of my favorite's and thoughts and comments are very appreciated! Thanks for looking. >> >>JAKE >> >> >> >> >> ----- Take Care,
-Ryan Homsey
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