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Thank you FR, mrcota

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Posted by: Dobry at Wed Aug 9 17:54:39 2006   [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Dobry ]  

Let me just say thank you. You guys have provided me with much entertainment. I don't have a lot of time to read all of your posts but somedays I have a lot of waiting and while I could be doing better things, I read your posts. lol!! Sometimes you are hilarious; better than tv. I have never posted here in the monitor forum before, I usually just read, but today I felt especially motivated to say something. I also feel the need to backup my profession. I think that science is the coolest job ever. I am always asking questions and trying to find a way to get answers. But some of you guys are wound up so tight, just relax. Or don’t because I’ll loose my afternoon entertainment. HAhAhA And FR I totally respect you. Your methods have revolutionized husbandry for monitors and kingsnakes, and you have been doing it for longer than anyone I know of. You can be quite abrasive though. But if I ever have any husbandry questions I will not hesitate to consult you, but that does not mean you are God or something. Likewise I often consult others that have more experience than I do regardless of the subject. It just makes sense to do so, I make less mistakes that way (I make a lot of mistakes, but I learn the most from them too). But please don’t downplay the work that scientists are doing. There are a lot of young minds out there that I am sure also respect you, and some of the things you say may discourage them to want to be a scientist. I just think that is unfair to my profession. I just want to say that you don’t have to be some uptight person to be a scientist. I am a herpetologist and I work as a biochemist five days a week cloning proteins. I look forward to going to work. How many people can say that? Also I am really good at keeping reptiles. I’ve been doing it for 15 years and see all of life’s events. So it is possible to do both, please remember that. Thank you again for everything you have offered this community.

“Relax, don’t worry, Have a Homebrew!” Charlie Papazian
Jason L. Dobry
Research Associate
College of Veterinary Medicine
Department of Veterinary Comparative Anatomy, Pharmacology and Physiology
Washington State University


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>> Next Message:  Bravo... - mavericksdad, Wed Aug 9 22:54:24 2006
>> Next Message:  RE: Your welcome to believe whatever - FR, Thu Aug 10 09:37:33 2006