Posted by:
at Thu Aug 10 11:05:07 2006 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by FR ]
How does that differ with what you guys do, as you just did the same thing.
You picked a tiny useless bit from a whole bunch of meaningful bits. How funny are we? stop here, the rest is useless stuff
So Mister Johnson, I ask you? he accused me of thinking I am a god(a totally useless statement by that poster) and then get upset when I act just like the rest of you. You see I am just like the rest of you, I have all sort of human maladies. Why would you expect different? That I happen to have lots of experience with reptiles does not exclude me from other normal or abnormal faults. In fact, liking reptiles has always been considered a maladie(sickness) in its own right.
So you leave me wondering, what the heck do you expect from me. You don't want me to be superior, as that would ruin you fellas, and you don't want me to have faults. So yes, I wonder about you?
I do know about me, I do not have to wonder, I will go on being me. You know, who I was long before I ever kept a monitor. I still happen to think keeping monitors is fun and rewarding, so I guess that means I do not have to dwell on you guys. I have better things to think about. So go on with your bad self. Cheers
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