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A nesting comparison.

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Posted by: FR at Wed Aug 9 18:36:49 2006   [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by FR ]  

This is also from today and is still going on. I have no ideas what the outcome will be. So lets just look at these two.

This one is outside and under a flat bottomed mock rock water bowl. This one dug in yesterday afternoon. I noticed she was not up, so i looked under the bowl. This is exactly were she started her last two clutches. If you cound this one, it will be three within two months. She also laid two clutches in the first couple of months of this year. Once clutch produced twin babies from one egg.

I you look hard, not very good pics, you will see tunnels from outside the bowl, then a larger trench. The second pic shows a burrow at the botton of the trench. Enjoy

I am not sure how this will come out, as she is a little beat up. I will keep my fingers crossed.

This pic is from inside. Its from under a board, actually a retes stack. You can see the same tunnels as she burrowed under the board. This one has two holes going down, one in the upper right hand area, and one in the lower left hand area. I believe this female will come out of the same hole she went in. Enjoy the pic.

Even thought these are different. One indoors the other outdoors, both nests are very very similar. Oh there is more differences then that. The upper one is a Pygmy mulga monitor. The last one is a Montane kingsnake. Hmmmmmmmm results coming soon.

What is so funny is, these are happening now, and this brings up a point. First, I learned about snake nesting from wild variable kings. I found their nests in nature(late seventies) and kept testing until I could recieve the same results in captivity. Not just recieve eggs, but the same type of nesting I saw in the nature.

Some of the folks here, want monitors to be completely different and seperate from other reptiles, but sadly I find them very much alike. Just hotter and faster I suppose.

Oh, don't worry, I don't think I will have another clutch for a few days, so you can rest. Enjoy


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>> Next Message:  RE: A nesting comparison. - Dobry, Wed Aug 9 19:13:18 2006
>> Next Message:  we have seen the same... - robyn@ProExotics, Thu Aug 10 16:54:31 2006