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RE: clay/dirt testing...

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Posted by: kakes at Sat Aug 12 14:35:53 2006   [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by kakes ]  

From what I read, there is a soil pyramid which balances sand, silt & clay. This was made up for growing different types of plants (and not for nesting of monitors).

"Gravel, sand, silt, and clay are terms of grain size; the composition of the grains is immaterial to the definitions. Gravel-size grains have a diameter, or side, longer than 2 millimeters (0.08 in), about the thickness of two dimes in a stack. Sand grain diameters are between 0.0625 and 2 millimeters (0.0025 and 0.08 in), silt grains are between 0.004 and 0.0625 millimeters (0.00016 and 0.0025 in), and clay grains are smaller than 0.004 millimeters (0.00016 in)."

So, to answer your question - from what I read clay is not silt. I would think that at a certain point, clay & silt do the same thing. As you say- seal the soil. Carbon never came up with anything I read.

As for the real test- so far it has past with flying colors. Nothing I can find around here comes close. The test is not finished of course until it is used for nesting.

I use this dirt with my Sulcata Tortoises and they seem to do well, too. I have about two years to go before my oldest female can start testing it for nesting.

Also, I found a Snapping turtle nesting in dirt that seemed to be the same type of dirt. Of course, I never tested it to be the same.


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