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RE: Update on Anery DH Snow and Snow Boa....

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Posted by: Jeremy Stone at Tue Aug 15 00:55:59 2006   [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Jeremy Stone ]  


Big bellies are quite common in Albinos and Snows, and that is often the demise. However, that Belly doesn't look like the "BIG BELLY SYNDROME". It is BBS when the back half of the snake can NOT move. It lays quite limp.

However, ON TO the yolk. That is ACTUALLY a good thing in this case. You don't want that Snow to suck that up. That would make it a BBS snake. Since it has been a day, there is NO WAY it can suck that up. They will do that within the first 24 hours. If nothing after that, it is just waist. So, tie it off with some Fish Line or Dental Floss and CUT IT OFF. The snake will enjoy not hauling it around. This will in NO WAY effect that animal for the worse. If the snake does not make it, it will NOT be because you removed that. I have done this MANY TIMES. Trust me. That NEEDS to be removed. Once, done, just keep him/her moist on paper towels. It looks like it will be fine, and from the Picture (which I can't say 100 percent) it looks good. Just remove that excess yolk. GOOD LUCK.

As for the Odds. I have had soooo much funky stuff happen that I sometimes don't know what to think. I have had a SUPER MOTLEY pop out from a Motley to Normal. 2 actually.

I have had an albino pop out from a Motley to a Het or Albino where the Motley was NOT HET. This has happened 2 seperate times.

I have had 2 T positives Pop out from a T positive to Motley breeding where the Motley was NOT a Het for T positive.

As for TERRIBLE ODDS. I have seen Het to Het 29 babies with NO ALBINOS. The Mother IS A HET and so was the DAD.

This year I had Motley to Motley. 16 Babies. NO SUPERS. That is like breeding Het to Het Albino and not getting 1 when you are supposed to get 4. If you bred some Ball Pythons that were Possible hets, and you got 16 eggs with NO Albinos, you would Mark on the card that the Snake was NOT A HET. lol

I could go on and on and on. Stuff doesn't ALWAYS pan out.

Call it a gift from above. I'm sure the Mom is a Het. I wouldn't use the same dad again. I would use something 100 percent. Even though, he may be a het. Again, I produced an Albino from a NON het snake. I know others have too. Sometimes you just get those AWESOME Pop ups. Usually one of the parents is a het.

Best of luck.

Jeremy Stone


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>> Next Message:  Thanks for the tip and 1 more question.. - JJsBoas, Tue Aug 15 01:54:05 2006
>> Next Message:  RE: Update on Anery DH Snow and Snow Boa.... - senorsnake, Tue Aug 15 16:31:35 2006

<< Previous Message:  Update on Anery DH Snow and Snow Boa.... - JJsBoas, Mon Aug 14 23:43:44 2006 image in post