Posted by:
at Sat Aug 19 22:33:44 2006 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by RyanHomsey ]
Whew, that was alot of pictures to go through and process. I had a fantastic time at my very first daytona "trip". I ran into many great boa people including Celia, P. Kahl, Ruben, Andy F., Frank Martin, Bill Kirby, Greg Hackney, Gray Rushin, Denny Rimes, Mark Miller etc... My apologies to those I ran into with possible plans for after the show, I had to get home due to a headache and to start packing (I'm moving tomorrow).
No spectacular crazy-nice new boa morph announcements this year unfortunately, unless there was something there I missed. TONS of great boas though. I was extremely impressed with the boa to ball python ratio. People are seeing the light!
On to the pics, all 87 of them. 90 percent of these are white balance calibrated.
The show is held at "The Ocean Center", which is directly accross from a really nice Hilton. Daytona Beach.
The action inside was impressive
The first person I ran into was Mr. Mark Miller, the infamous first moonglow producer dude. I bet you're glad I traded you the male that made that all possible eh Mark?
This is a sibling from that litter, possible triple het female. She is KILLER. I love the look of this hypo. Someone needs to snag her up before I call Mark and demand he hold it for me.
Here is Mark's red albino from Matt Crabe... absolutely stunning.
The next table I wandered on over to was Celia's. This was her yearling (I believe) goodie stack.
From the "What-the-heck-are-these?" litter.
I found the Burke's table after that.
A yearling T . Amanda told me this is about the size that the females can breed at, although that particular female doesnt have the age.
Sunburst Arabesque. Wow.
Then I made my way to Pete Kahl's table.
How bout some super-jungles?
Yearling super jungle
Salmon Jungles
How does a couple super jungle salmons sound? Good, yes?
This one was a sunglow possible jungle or a sunglow jungle I believe.
Albino Jungle
Sunglow possible Jungle(s) (I think)
Bino's of the jungly sort.
Central Super Motleys
Central Hypo
Eventually I had to make myself go away from Pete's table due to excessive drooling over the super jungles... and I spotted Frank Martin's new "Silverback Serpent" banner.
One of Frank's wicked eyed jungles
A big beautiful ghost he had on display
Now I'm not generally an anery fan but Frank has some real knockouts.
orangasm hypo
Another one of franks crazy eyed jungles, but in bino form.
Right next to Frank was Bill Kirby with some beautiful motleys.
Bill also had a really nice 25% suri hypo, may have been a het or pos het albino ... not sure ...
In the middle of talking with Bill, Denny Rimes walks up next to me. He called up Gray Rushin and we met up at the Leopard Boa people's (Forgot their names, Hans?) table. They (leopard people) had some really cool washed out / high color neos that are supposedly a proven codom trait called Mandarin something. I believe this is the one that Denny got.
They had some beautiful european pastels
And, of course, Leopard and Leopard hets.
I left that table after about 15 minutes of watching Gray sort through some of those "Mandarin" boas. I fully expect to hear he got one or five when he gets back .
I then came accross Tropical Vision (I think thats the name) and saw this real nice sunglow arabesque of thiers:
D M was there. They had some decent stuff, I was hoping to see some real nice sunsets though. There was only one... and a "big" lady was standing in front of it... wouldnt budge.
They did have this nice coral sunglow though
I came across Doug Matzuaks table. Gotta love those codom pastel dreams he has *wink* . All kidding aside, they are KILLER. Beautiful sharps. Kings of yellow.
Neo Sharps
After that some real nice pastel colombians spotted my eye, I cant think of the name of the company that had them. They called them pink pastels I believe. The lady had two of them out and they were some of the best pastels I have ever seen. Apparently they have been selectively breeding them for many years (I want to say she said 12).
This is their pink pastel line worked into a suri
Pink pastel hypo
And the last table I came to was Bill Cagle's.
A beautiful bolivian of his
So thats it... my fun day at the Daytona Reptile Expo. I hope you enjoyed the pics. Looking forward to seeing you all again next year! ----- Take Care,
-Ryan Homsey
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