Posted by:
at Sat Aug 26 08:07:36 2006 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by STEVES_KIKI ]
as you know...i'm not a pro at this...but my thinking is:
males are more able to produce better "men juices" when they brumate... theres always the plus to not feeding a few months and the snakes sleeping... but thats just 2 that i know of....
~kin ----- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~SNAKIES~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Corns: .1 Normal (Gertrude) 1. unknown hypo? normal? (Romeo) 1.2 Miami Phase (Hector, Emily, Charlotte) thanks jeff! 1. Amel het Blizzard (Dunesbury) 1. Classic het Hypo, poss het Amel, Anery (Cobra) 1.1 Classics (Henry VIII, Cassy ) .1 Amel (Pepperoni) 1.1 Hypo zig zags poss het Caramel (Bernard, Abegail) .1 Classic{reduced black} het Hypo, Stripe (Gracie Lou) 1.1 Anery het Motley (Lleroy, Persia)
Rats: 1.1 Black rats (Willard, Cecily)
Cal Kings: 1.1 Striped Cal Kings (Dweezil, Skunky)
Other: 0.0.1 Worm Snake
~~~~~~~~~~~~~LEOPARD GECKOS~~~~~~~~~~~~~
1. Normal het Midnight Blizzard (Mr. Spot) 0.1 Blizzard (Blitz) was attacked by a cat and still living!
.1 white cheeked mud (Opel) .1 snapping turtle (no name, ideas welcome)
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