Posted by:
at Mon Sep 4 17:04:38 2006 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by boafanatic7 ]
Help please.
my boa regurgitated a few weeks ago...i stupidly fed her only a couple of days after, because i noticed that she regurged after i had already fedher...and she regurged again...i took her to the vet and the vet said she looked normal. wasn't able to get a blood sample but the vet said that it should be stress related. My temps have been a little on the low side. Ambient temps of 78 during day and low 70s at night. I am sure that this is causing the regurgitation, but wouldn't i also notice a respiratory infection - mucus or wheezing??? she shows no signs of this.
The vet had previoiusly given her a solution that also contained flagyl and some food for her to digest. Shortly after she defecated and i took this sample to the vet and he did an analysis that showed parasytes..
so i waited another week and fed her two days ago. today she regurged. I fear that she has regurgitation syndrome...i took her out of her location and have placed her in a warm location. I don't know what to do. I want her to get better.
Any ideas if it is related to the cool temps or could it be something else...or could it be something within her that would show up on a blood test.
Thanks for any info.
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Help...My boa keeps regurging!!! - boafanatic7, Mon Sep 4 17:04:38 2006