Posted by:
at Thu Sep 14 17:12:20 2006 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by PastelDream ]
OK, this may get to be a bit long winded, but it's hard to give a short answer.
Feeding boas while breeding. Do we or don't we. LOL.
It seems to me that it's the male boas that will stop eating on their own. Males seldom want to be fed, because they've only got one thing on their little boa minds during breeding season. That would be "breeding".
Females can be different. Sometimes they'll go off feed and sometimes they won't. I just don't think the we, humans, should be telling them if they're hungry or not. After all, who's the boa. LOL. I think that if a female is hungry and she's acting hungry she's less likely to have breeding and making those cute little boas we all love so much, on her mind. I think if a female boa is hungry she's more likely to be cruzing the cage hoping for a meal. Don't worry. Even if you don't feed your females chances are they won't be looking at that male as a potential meal. Of course, she may be looking at him as a source of irratation. She may slap her tail around and try to discourage any advances he might want to make. The end result could be, lots of work on the males part and none on the females part. Remember it's the female that needs to ovulate. Give her what she wants and she might just reward you with a nice litter of those cute little boas. If all she wants is a little food here and there... Then that's not too much to ask. Of course, you must remember. It is breeding season and all feeding should be done in "moderation". HUGE meals are out. You want them to be satified, but not GORGED with food.
So, Ya. I feed my females. I figure they know more about what they want/need than I do. In the wild boas are opportunistic(spelling??) feeders. Who's to say that if a nice meal crossed their path they wouldn't eat it. I guess they could stop and think, "wait this is breeding season and I shouldn't eat that", but I'm guessing they wouldn't.
Anyway that's my opinion. It could be right and it could be wrong. Either way it's the way I choose to do things.
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