Posted by:
at Sat Sep 16 15:14:45 2006 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Jonathan_Brady ]
So I was curious to see just how ready my female BCC's might be for breeding this season so I decided to take a male and put him in w/ each female. I threw this male Guyana:
in w/ this female Guyana:
and then I threw this male Suriname (who I just realized I don't have any pics of other than this one of him in his DARK phase):
in w/ this female Suriname:
The results of my little test threw me a bit because I don't really have any experience breeding ANY animals together... yet. BOTH females started darting back and forth across the cages with their tails lifted and they were shooting some liquid and a minimal amount of urates out all over the place! To top that off, I was just staring in amazement and I'm seeing their cloacas dragging across the DCL that I lined the cages w/ and I'm worrying they'll get cut up (think: soft internal tissue against very dry composite paper). The were FREAKING out. I actually got so concerned that I called a friend of mine who set my mind at ease and said that it was akin to "a girl in a bar flipping her hair". There just giving the signals that they're sexually mature and ready to rock. So, I'm extremely excited about the possibilities that may occur this season. I have two FANTASTICLY patterned and colored Guyanese BCC that were both born in captivity to WC gravid females from the Essiquibo river delta region. And two SUPREMELY light Surinamese BCC, one is from a Tudehope X Futo breeding the other is of unknown origin, but presumed to be WC by the person I purchased her from. My Cay Caulkers seem like they may be a bit small (but maybe not since they're a dwarf species) but I'll probably put them together too because they're over 4 years old now. Next year I should be pairing some Peruvian rainbows as well as some green phase Sanzinia if I can manage to find an adult female between now and then! And any animals that don't take this year. I've been keeping boas since 2001 and I'm excited and anxious that everything is starting to mature and they're ready for pairing up aaaaand... DISAPPOINTING me! haha Anyway, just thought I'd share in some excitement! jb ----- Jonathan Brady "Sarcasm is angers ugly cousin" -Dr. Buddy Rydell (Jack Nicholson) in "Anger Management".
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