Posted by:
at Sun Sep 17 08:04:11 2006 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by BillyBoy ]
Hey Jonathan, that's awesome and I am very excited for your upcoming attempts this season. I can definitely relate as I had my first real breeding season this year as well and produced CA boas, yellow rat snakes (from very light S Florida stock) and amazon tree boas. It was all super exciting and I can't wait to do it all again this upcoming season. My results were mixed, but mostly good = 15 healthy baby boas with one still; 6 out of 11 rat snake eggs hatched, but 5 of the babies haves some spinal bumps (all doing really good and eating like pigs though!); 2 live baby atb's, 2 stills and 2 slugs. Overall not bad, but I am hoping to do better this season. What a rush to see animals you've raised from little babies produce their own little babies!
Good luck! Billy
>>So I was curious to see just how ready my female BCC's might be for breeding this season so I decided to take a male and put him in w/ each female. >>I threw this male Guyana: >> >>in w/ this female Guyana: >> >> >>and then I threw this male Suriname (who I just realized I don't have any pics of other than this one of him in his DARK phase): >> >>in w/ this female Suriname: >> >> >>The results of my little test threw me a bit because I don't really have any experience breeding ANY animals together... yet. BOTH females started darting back and forth across the cages with their tails lifted and they were shooting some liquid and a minimal amount of urates out all over the place! To top that off, I was just staring in amazement and I'm seeing their cloacas dragging across the DCL that I lined the cages w/ and I'm worrying they'll get cut up (think: soft internal tissue against very dry composite paper). The were FREAKING out. I actually got so concerned that I called a friend of mine who set my mind at ease and said that it was akin to "a girl in a bar flipping her hair". There just giving the signals that they're sexually mature and ready to rock. So, I'm extremely excited about the possibilities that may occur this season. >>I have two FANTASTICLY patterned and colored Guyanese BCC that were both born in captivity to WC gravid females from the Essiquibo river delta region. >>And two SUPREMELY light Surinamese BCC, one is from a Tudehope X Futo breeding the other is of unknown origin, but presumed to be WC by the person I purchased her from. >>My Cay Caulkers seem like they may be a bit small (but maybe not since they're a dwarf species) but I'll probably put them together too because they're over 4 years old now. >>Next year I should be pairing some Peruvian rainbows as well as some green phase Sanzinia if I can manage to find an adult female between now and then! And any animals that don't take this year. >>I've been keeping boas since 2001 and I'm excited and anxious that everything is starting to mature and they're ready for pairing up aaaaand... DISAPPOINTING me! haha >>Anyway, just thought I'd share in some excitement! >>jb >>----- >>Jonathan Brady >>"Sarcasm is angers ugly cousin" -Dr. Buddy Rydell (Jack Nicholson) in "Anger Management".
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