Posted by:
at Sat Sep 16 23:11:55 2006 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Psycodelic ]
Thanks Chris,
Your male is doing great but his competition this year is a little overwhelming for him (stripe hypo het albino, sunglow het. moonglow, hypo poss jungle) so I’m going to make him my full time pet! I love him he has a great personality and perfect markings for his age and wasn’t to interested in the ladies last year. If you want Ill trade him back to you for a pair of bloods lol.
As far as school goes well what can you say about being surrounded by thousands of females all prime to breed this year . Since I am at the half way point in my career as a student I decided to focus on having as much fun as I can while keeping my grades above a 3.0 and it has be working pretty well for me thus far. 22 credits you are very ambitious Perdue is no walk in the park, good for you! Met any other herpers at school? I think I’m the only student who knows the difference between a snow and moonglow lol.
I thought about explaining the genetics behind hypos to him but that always seems to open a foul can o worms so I avoided that path.
I wish you the best of luck on your breeding endeavors and good luck at Perdue!
Greg Reinert
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