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Not so simple of an answer.....

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Posted by: rainbowsrus at Thu Sep 21 12:32:30 2006   [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by rainbowsrus ]  

If you're looking to have a morph, then you'll either have to buy it or produce it....duh. Since you stated you have a columbian and did not indicate it had any morph genetics, I'll assume it does not. so.....

1) to buy a really rare and special morph - gather together a large wad of cash. For example a sunglow jungle on

2) to produce a really rare and special morph, IMO, first look around and decide what you like. Then find out the genetics behind it. Next, from the genetics, decide how you want to get there and how much you're willing to spend and how long of a time commitment you're willing to make. Lastly, purchase the animals you want/need to produce the morph you want and get to work feeding/cleaning.

For example, a snow boa. That is a combination of two recessive genetic traits, Albino and Anerythristic. So a snow boa would have teo each albino and anery genes. To get a snow boa, each parent must have at least one each albino and anery gene. So for a one generation plan, you could go with any of the following animals:

DH snow (one albino gene, one anery gene)
Anery het snow (two anery genes, one albino gene)
Albino het snow (two albino genes, one anery gene)
Snow (two albino genes, two anery genes)

DH snows are the least expensive
Snows are the most expensive

DH snows would give you the lowest percentages of snows in the litter while giving you the highest percentages of possible het animals (may have one recessive gene, tow recessive genes or no recessive genes, can't tell by looking)

A good pairing would be:
albino het anery X anery het albino, would produce on average:
25% snow
25% albino het anery
25% anery het albino
25% DH snows

The real advantge is with each parent having a pair of recessive genes, each offspring would have at least one each of albino and anery genes.

>>I posted a similar question in the Burmese forum, but I also have a Columbian Red Tail that I'd like to breed. How do I get a morph? What the heck do I have to do so that I can get something really rare and special? Please let me know! Any advice is appreciated! Thanks!
>>1.0.0. Albino Burmese Python (Tyranus)
>>1.0.0. Columbian Red Tail Boa (Madmartigan)

Dave Colling

0.1 Wife (WC)
0.2 kids (CBB, selectively bred from good stock)

LOL, to many snakes to list, last count:
13.26 BRB
11.16 BCI
And those are only the breeders

lots.lots.lots feeder mice and rats


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<< Previous Message:  Morphing Question - GDeHavenIV, Thu Sep 21 12:05:31 2006