Posted by:
at Mon Oct 2 07:30:16 2006 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by ajfreptiles ]
Hey Steve, I think you asked a great question! In my opinion, I think that newbie breeders who aquired there animals cheaper than we did...find that selling their animals is not as easy as they thought...really only because they have not got a reputation...That being said, a good reputation can really only come from my guess is that for some of these people ....these so called high dollar litters are their first litters. Then there are those who just want to capitalize on anyone's money out there and so a few breeders who can produce start selling lower to take the money away from the newbie...then prices fall. The big breeders seem to hold fast to prices...they are content to raise them up if need be...and are not as subject to the fluctuations... I think if you are set up to hold on to all of your babies and wait for the right money, you will do fine in the long run.. Economic factors where people just need money fast also plays a big role...but I think that once these litters are sold off, the demand for more will build up again. Overproduction can certainly ruin the market... Look how cautious everyone has been in buying lately...everyone has a predetermined price in their head and that is what they will wait for....the desire is there, just that people are being very cautious.
All that being said, I also think that there are inflated prices...and when that happens you are sure to see a fall regardless. I had talked about this some time ago, that what needs to happen is breeders should come up with a price structure...and even a grading chart....that can act as a guide to people wanting to set prices...I know newbies may not abide, but if they could aquire a type of foil seal that assures the animal has been checked or submitted...the buyers would be more apt to buy their stock...sort of like making the U.K.C. or the A.K.C. with dogs etc... This would not stop everyone but may strengthen our public status accros the country as well. Just my 2 cents.
Andy Federico -----
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