Posted by:
at Mon Oct 2 13:15:11 2006 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by ChrisGilbert ]
Taken from an email I wrote to my dad yesterday:
One thing that really helps boas as a whole, morph or not, co-dom/dom/recessive, is selective breeding. Due to the natural varience and characteristics of boas it is a lot easier to selective breed, with a lot of different possibilties. More and more people are doing this, and people will pay the difference. This is why Kahl Albinos range from $600-$2000 for neonates, Hypos range from $150-$1500, Anerys range from $150-$800, Ghosts, Jungles, Motleys, Bloods, Sunglows, Leopards, everything has a range in price. One interesting thing is how the Hypo morphs are priced. Hypos have been going down, while demand for their other half has remained strong or increased, such as in Jungles, Motleys, Bloods, and Sharp Albinos. The Sunglows, Hypo Motleys, Hypo Jungles, and Bloody Salmons have all fallen, while the Jungles, Motleys, Sharps, and Bloods are holding. Recently the Blood and Sharps have actually increased. When Bloods were $3500, Bloody Salmons were $20K, now you can get a Bloody Salmon for $15K, but Bloods went up to $7k. Sharp Sunglows can be found under $10k, but Sharps generally went up to $3k. This is also evident in Kahl Sunglows, some are $2,000 while some prime Kahl Albinos are $2,000.
Personally I prefer Kahl Sunglows over Sharps, I just like how they look, meanwhile I prefer Sharp Albinos over Kahls, again I just like how they look.
PS: The portion of the email above was taken from an email related to markets in Ball Pythons and Boa morphs.
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