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RE: Kahl strain sunglow market

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Posted by: metachrosis at Mon Oct 2 19:17:26 2006   [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by metachrosis ]  

You started out OK,the thread actually made some sense here and there.
Suggesting a Breeders Union(organization)in a "Trend Based,Supply/Demand cash profit "HOBBY" is where you slipped and busted our ass'ets:-
Cant happen,Wont Happen so might as well grab another beer.....
Review the recent History of the top 3 "Trend Hobbies" in the last 20 years.
Baseball cards
Beenie Babies
Simpley research "MATTEL" and their recent play/profits in the above mentioned time frame/hobbyies.Only common people back then that made a profit were the ones that jumped on the free stock shares offered from eBay.All the Big Profit players in their respective venues busted out due to a lack of vision outside their "pipe dreams"(investments).The ones that understood early on learned to basically hit and run.Continually rolling profits to the next level of purchaseing(produceing) then getting it to market.If you get lucky do it again,then start advanceing towards the next level. Trying to milk something for all its worth is foolishness and will always come back to bite you.
The Definitive word for that is " GREED "
MORPH SNAKES are no different!! The last FIVE CONSECUTIVE YEARS PROVE IT!!!(another 5yrs will confirm it)
The further a CASH HOBBY progress's the weaker the market and marketable item(s) becomes."SUPPLY"
New stock(items) must be introduced to keep/satisfy the gullable gotta have it now members of the modern world,who without some trendy icon in their possession believe they have no social standing or self worth in society."DEMAND"

Without fresh stock the lemmings will not follow !!Heaven forbid someone should have a measure of "self control" wait till the "New" wears off an item before takeing rent money to "Invest" in something so unstable.LOL!!

You think the BIG BREEDERS are going to some how be pressured in any sort to slowing what they have going for the sake of the "small" Breeder market ?
Personally I wouldnt play a hand of poker with 90% of whats "assumed" as reputable people in the pet trade today.
In the herp market as well as poker, you better learn to play your own hand!Going "ALL IN" on a Morph bluff might cost you your place at the table.

Just thinking out loud .....



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<< Previous Message:  Kahl strain sunglow market - sdi, Sun Oct 1 23:54:09 2006