Posted by:
at Wed Oct 4 13:29:40 2006 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by _Cody_ ]
I'm wondering if a 4' by 4' by 6' tall enclosure is considered to be overdoing it. I would like to put my boa in a cage of that size, but I would just like to hear some other opinions. I understand most people use 4' x 2' x 2' as the minimum, but I always prefer to go larger with my cages, with decorations and all. I also understand that many suggest a horizontal cage over a vertical one, but it's my opinion from experience with mine that Boas can take advantage of provided vertical space. There will be plenty of faux plants and places to hide. I would just like to have a more visually appealing cage that gives my Boa a more open opportunity to explore.
Let me know what you think, good and/or bad.
I'd like to hear from other's that have similar sized cages for their boas as well.
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