Posted by:
at Fri Oct 6 17:05:48 2006 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by slithering_serpents ]
It's OK to have a bigger enclosure as long as you have many places for the snake to hide and as long as you have enough floor space, and 4' X 4' is more than enough floor space.
I have a suriname female that loves to climb, she is almost always up on a branch near my head where I sit here on the computer, like she is now. She's around 4 feet and thick too. I have a fear of her falling, although she seems to be very coordinated. I got a branch with a fork in it, that is where she likes to hang out. If you can get wood with many forks that are in a vertical manner it would be good because that provides more stable place for her to hang out. It's said that large boas have a fear of falling but so far my girl loves to climb. She spends more and more time up there too. I think if you can provide the right places for some stability like maybe little platforms or many forks it might work. The only problem is if the snake ever falls from that height, they will be injured. My branch is only a foot off the ground. You should seriously think about this aspect of your plan and make it as safe as possible if you go ahead and do this.
My plan is to let my girl climb on a low branch until she stops wanting to or she gets gravid, then I will take her branch out for a while.
Good luck, Caden
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