Posted by:
at Mon Oct 9 07:10:31 2006 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by PastelDream ]
OK, I've never actually done this, but.....
If you bred a Sharp Strain Albino to a Kahl Strain Albino, the babies will look like "normals". Of course, they'll also carry both the Sharp and Kahl Albino genes. Now, I've never done this to prove it out, but the two strains are said to be "uncompatible". That means you can't breed the two Albino Strains and get Albinos. You can only get normal looking babies that are het for both strains. They'd be "double het" for Albino, since both strains of Albino are in the mix.
Then, if you wanted to be 100% sure on what strain the next generation of babies would be, you'd need to breed them back to the mother and father. Unless, you had a different Kahl and Sharp Albino available. If the mother was the Sharp Strain and you bred one of the male "double hets" to her you'd get "about" 50% Sharp Albinos that are also 50% possible het for Kahl Albino. The other half of the litter would be "normal looking" 100% het for Sharp Strain and 50% possible het for Kahl Strain. If the father was a Kahl Strain and you bred one of the double het females to him.... You'd get 50% Albinos that are also 50% possible het for Sharp strain. The rest of the babies would be "normal looking" and 100% het for Kahl Strain and 50% possible het for Kahl Strain.
If you got really wild and crazy and bred two of the double hets together you'd get "about"..... 25% of the litter would be "Albino". Of course, you might not be able to tell the Sharps from the Kahl strains. All the Albino babies would be 66% possible double hets for Albino, since both strains would be in the mix. You'd have to breed them again to find out who actually carries what genes. BTW only some of the Albinos will carry both genes. That's why they'd be possible double hets. The rest off the normal looking babies would be 66% possible hets for "both" the Sharp and Kahl Strains. So, they'd all be 66% possible "double hets" for Albino.
So, do you have a Sharp and Kahl Albino you're going to breed together?? If you do and you do, please come back and let us know the results. I don't know if anyone has ever bred a Sharp and Kahl Albino together. I "heard" that the breeding to determine they were "uncompatible" was a Het Kahl bred to a Sharp Albino.
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- What if? - heathn, Sat Oct 7 11:25:19 2006
- RE: What if? - PastelDream, Mon Oct 9 07:10:31 2006