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This year I will...

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Posted by: ChrisGilbert at Tue Oct 10 15:34:50 2006   [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by ChrisGilbert ]  

be trying a pair born in June of '04. Unlike my other '04 and '03 animals, this female grew fairly quickly, despite no difference in feeding regimen from my other boas.

She is 66% het Blood, her lineage is 50% El Salvador (grandsire Blood) and 50% Salmon (Granddam Salmon, mixed lineage).

I do not have a weight on her, but she is about 6ft. and never got fed more than once a week, she was kept on medium rats until september, and was moved to x-large. The male produced sperm plugs at 12 months old, his feeding regimen was 1 rat fuzzy per week up to August (2 months old) and then was fed one rat pup every three weeks. He was changed to a weekly schedule this summer at 25 months old in an effort to gain weight for the anticipated breeding. Meanshile I have a male Type II Anery 66% het Albino (lineage of 50% El Salvador granddam Type II and 50% Colombian Grandsire Kahl Albino). He was born early '05, and he was also fed weekly, he is eating rat pups, and is 30inches, and not produceing sperm plugs. A 10 month old Western Costa Rican male produced sperm plugs, from the time I acquired him (CITES animal from Serpentarium in Costa Rica) he was fed every three weeks as well. My Colombian '04 Albino female is 4.5 ft. and eating medium rats weekly, she has another year or two before she will be ready on her current growth pattern.

Basically, none of these numbers tie together very well, the variable of difference in locale is strong, and maybe a factor in determining when a boa is capable of breeding.


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<< Previous Message:  RE: Can we really... - Fourquet, Tue Oct 10 15:21:08 2006