Posted by:
at Wed Oct 11 19:48:09 2006 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by tumbslt ]
Hey everyone, I had a question about the humidity levels for a columbian boas cage and what it should be held at. I heard everything from I don't really need to be concerned with it since I live in Florida, to it should be kept between 50-65 humidity level. Right now I have a juvenile columbian and he seems to do very well in the cage he is in now and his humidity gauge is always between 45-50. The problem is I just acquired a baby Albino Boa Constrictor born in late Aug. 06. I heard that babies tend to require more humidity but I'm not sure the best way to keep the levels high. Right now she is in a 20 gallon tank with two hides in seperate temperature ranges, a large water bowl, basking temp at 90-95, and at 80-85 on the cool side near water dish, she also has a thermal under tank heater, and humidity level between 45-50. Is there anything I'm missing? If the humidity needs to be higher how do I accomplish that? By spraying enclosure periodically? Or taping over water dish to create more humidity?(heard that from someone)Anyways, I'd appreciate any advice you could give me on if I need to raise humidity, and what works for you, or if there really isn't any need or if something else looks wrong with my current husbandry.
Thanks again,
Shannon Tumblin
>Albino boa constrictor (Red Stripe) >Columbian boa (Jager') >1.1 Leucistic Texas rat snakes (Kirra/Reef)
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- Columbian boa humidity question? - tumbslt, Wed Oct 11 19:48:09 2006