Posted by:
at Fri Nov 3 12:54:52 2006 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by slithering_serpents ]
Boas all need the same humidity whether babies or adults. They need spikes of humidity up into the 60% range two or three times a day. The cage with 45-50% need to be sprayed 2-3 times a day.
It all depends on your set up, how to make it more humid. If you have an aquarium with a screen top, cover it up with a towel except for a small vent. If you have heat lamps or bulbs of any kind that will further dry the cage, as will a dry room. Try spraying 2 or 3 times day, not so much you make it run down the walls. Don't cover the bowl. You can also make a humidity bin if you think you're not getting things humid enough, that the snake can hide in for a while, with moist sphagnum moss in a plastic container.
The only other thing I see about your husbandry is that you don't say the temp of the warm side, or the nightime temps. Warm side should be around 88F by day. I know in a cage that small it's hard to have a warm & cool side much less a hot spot. There should be at least a place where the snake can hang out and hide where it's around 88F. Once you get into bigger caging it will get easier.
Another thing to consider is plastic bins. Most people who have had snakes for a while have come to use plastic bins for small snakes instead of aquariums. Aquariums lost heat and humidity too quickly. Pleastic really keeps the moisture in. When snakes are larger we usually get cages specially make for snakes.
Good luck, Caden
"I had a question about the humidity levels for a columbian boas cage and what it should be held at. I heard everything from I don't really need to be concerned with it since I live in Florida, to it should be kept between 50-65 humidity level. Right now I have a juvenile columbian and he seems to do very well in the cage he is in now and his humidity gauge is always between 45-50. The problem is I just acquired a baby Albino Boa Constrictor born in late Aug. 06. I heard that babies tend to require more humidity but I'm not sure the best way to keep the levels high. Right now she is in a 20 gallon tank with two hides in seperate temperature ranges, a large water bowl, basking temp at 90-95, and at 80-85 on the cool side near water dish, she also has a thermal under tank heater, and humidity level between 45-50. Is there anything I'm missing? If the humidity needs to be higher how do I accomplish that? By spraying enclosure periodically? Or taping over water dish to create more humidity?(heard that from someone)Anyways, I'd appreciate any advice you could give me on if I need to raise humidity, and what works for you, or if there really isn't any need or if something else looks wrong with my current husbandry. "
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