Posted by:
at Wed Oct 18 18:25:13 2006 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by thecaiman ]
First and for most this was quoted from the text which can be read in full by following the link at the bottom “These import provisions would be repealed under the new rule, and replaced with blanket requirements” blanket requirements that means all species of animal reptile, bird, mammal etc must conform to these standards. Same standards for all “vaccinated against rabies” last time I checked there was no rabies shot for reptiles or birds. Imagine trying to import 500 baby ball pythons get them all rabies shots(if it didn’t kill them) and having to met the following, remember these will be blanket requirements for all animals brought into the state,
“State the age, sex, breed, number and description of animals in the State that animals are free from visible evidence of contagious, infectious that they originated in an area that is not under rabies quarantine, vaccinated against rabies as required by the Illinois Animal Control Be filed with the Department prior to entry of the animals into the state. Be issued by an accredited veterinarian of the state of origin or one veterinarian in the country of origin. Be in a form that is approved by the animal health official of the state the state or country of origin. Have an issuance date within 30 days prior to entry into Illinois.”
I spoke to a Jackie Eckert (217)782-2172 with the IL dept of ag today and really didn’t get anywhere. I haven’t had time to decipher all this nonsense but what I can tell you is the reptile shows will be all but gone. The current law requires anyone who buys dogs or cats with the intent to sell to be regulated, the only exemption is selling offspring you produced. So if this passes not only is it ridiculous but it will sky rocket the price of all animals legally brought into the state by requiring vets to write more or less a book on each animal. Most dealers I think would just send their animals else where as it would be to much headache to ship them into IL. Also since they would ad the defintion of exotic the their list of aniamls that are regulated ALL dealers in IL would need to be regulated. How one from out of state could come in to sell is beyond me. Imagine the Tinley Park Show with only animals produced here in IL, You’d be able to fit the entire show in half an isle. Tomorrow Ill be making more calls and trying to get more contact info to send emails and what not to. But be ready because this was just released today and they vote on it OCT 26th if passed it will be implemented by the end of the month, within the next 14days. Below is a link to the full text ----- Jason & Christina
America is now under marshal law! ALL constitutional rights have been suspended! Stay in your homes. Do not attempt to contact loved ones, insurance agents or attorneys. Shut up do not attempt to think or depression may occur. Curfew is at 7pm sharp after work. Anyone caught outside the gates of their suveillance sector WILL BE SHOT!
Remain calm. Your neighborhood watch officer will be by in the morning to collect urine samples. Anyone caught interfering with the collection of urine samples WILL BE SHOT!
Stay in your home, remain calm. The number one enemy of progress is questions
Obey all orders without question
And last, for you! Classic Dums frozen feeders
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New IL law effecting all species.... - thecaiman, Wed Oct 18 18:25:13 2006