Posted by:
at Fri Nov 3 10:35:53 2006 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Djinn ]
By "cooling", what do you mean exactly? Some people consider a 10*F drop, around the clock, cooling. Others consider a 5*-10*F NIGHT drop cooling, with normal day temps. Some people don't consider a night time temp drop to be cooling. Last year, I gave my Boas normal temps around the clock, and continued feeding. The only change was going from 13 hours of daylight, to 11 hours of daylight. I introduced my male, and he courted for three months. Looking back on it, I think the feedings interupted the breeding. I didn't get any babies. This year, I'm giving them a 5*f temp drop at night. The male has been courting for the last 3 weeks. He only courts late at night through early morning. I checked them at 9:30 this morning, and it looks like a pre ovulation swell is going on. Also, my male courts more heavily when I spray the cage down with water at night. No matter what you do, I think it is VERY important to leave them alone while the courting/breeding is going on. No handling or feeding. But then again, I could be totally wrong on all accounts. Breeding Boas seems to be one big lesson in humility! Kinda like raising kids.. ----- Jason Dowell
Things always get cloudy, just before transformation.
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