Posted by:
at Fri Nov 3 20:29:08 2006 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by tex959 ]
gus and rio bravo has an excellent care sheet. here is a quote from the breeding page
" In very broad terms the imperator subspecies requires much less seasonality to produce young. At northern latitudes and in many facilities a pattern of seasonal change sufficient to aid in reproduction in most imperator may be experienced even without planning or action. However, the constrictor group responds best to a much sharper gradient in temperature and (to a somewhat lesser extent) photoperiod. Other subspecies in captive culture more closely follow the pattern of one or the other of those main groups. Closer observation of these animals yields a better theory. It is not the subspecies but rather the natural environment of origin that determines whether or not controlled seasonality is more needed to achieve repeated breeding success. As an example B. c. imperator from the upper Yucatan Peninsula will breed consistently in the mainland U.S. with little attention to seasonality. Imperator from higher altitudes in N. Chihuahua or Sonora, Mexico can require a near 25% reduction in mean temperatures from those experienced at the height of Summer. And while inbreeding and intergrading Boas in captivity has blurred the lines between some populations you will discover that all the boas will respond favourably to seasonality and in some populations it (seasonality) is a near necessity for successful, reproducible breeding."
Please read the whole page so things are put into context.
BTW. Gus is a great guy to deal with.
-hope this helps
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