Posted by:
at Thu Nov 23 09:23:47 2006 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by chris_harper2 ]
What's the largest janseni you guys have seen?
I had a monster female Sulawesi Janseni, the black & tan type. She was well over 7' and just absolutely massive. I'm not as interested in this form as C&F so I have not imported many.
Does anyone know how the hatchlings appear when a green animal is crossed with one of those silver guys?
Short answer is the babies are either green or some sort of gray/silver/yellow/orange combo.
These traits appear to be polymorphic. For years it was known that gravid green imports could and would produce clutches that had both green and "silver" babies. Recently in the UK somebody imported a gravid silver female and her clutch produced both silver and green babies.
In both examples there were no sign of "blending" of traits. The babies were either green or one of the many variable forms of the gray/silver/yellow specimens.
However, this may be an example of multiple paternity within a single clutch. As C&F, myself and others get better groups established it will be interesting to see what happens when only one male is used per mating and what shows up color wise in the clutches.
Here are some of the "Javan" redtails I have had over the years. It's important to note that almost all G. oxycehphala are from Java, even the green ones. Both green and silver specimens are caught in the same areas in Java and it's obvious they breed together.
This is what I consider "typical".
Yes, this one was really this orange, although she dulled down to a typical silver after a while. She may have been getting a lot of carotene from a diet of nestling birds in the wild.
If there is any blending of green and silver traits, this is what I suspect is an example.
----- Current snakes:
0.0.1 Gonyosoma oxycephala - Java locale (green)
1.2 Gonyosoma oxycephala - Jave local (green)
2.2 Gonyosoma janseni - Seleyar locale (all black)
1.2 Gonyosoma janseni - Celebes locale (Black & Tan)
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