Posted by:
at Wed Dec 13 14:21:50 2006 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Johnberry ]
Following on from the discussion half way down the page ...
Blood Boas are graded just like any other Boa mutation ... there are good ones (more expensive) and bad ones (cheaper) ... so yes you will see some kinda dirty Bloods, just like you will see kinda dirty examples of ALL Boa mutations and morphs (and every other kind of snake you can name)
Among our babies this year, there was a big variation. I'm in a hurry so can't hunt for better pics now but here is an example of a nice, cleaner 100% Central American Blood Boa (Note, this an AVERAGE example not the best!!)
Another quick point. I noticed our F3 babies looked a lot nicer and cleaner than the F2 and the photos I have seen of some of the original F1 Bloods. I think thats where some of the silly comments come from. Many breeders haven't really seen too many nice Bloods in person ... or may have only seen Bloods produced from Colombian hets, some of which can be rather drab.(note I said SOME again not all)
Bottom line, I agree the future of the Blood Boa mutation is red hot as we line breed the best examples we will produce better Bloods and some crazy looking designer morphs (anyone want to see a Bloody Sunglow, a Bloody Caramel/T or a Bloody Jungle ...I can't wait !!)
cheers, John
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