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RE: Your Right ...

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Posted by: jayf at Mon Dec 18 18:20:03 2006   [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by jayf ]  

I reversed Moonglow and Snow ... should be ...

So basically when comparing a snow to a moonglow, you will see a distinguished boarder to the tail blotches just before the vent in a SNOW and a reduction of these boarders in a MOONGLOW.

Sorry for the mixup. Good eye as always Rainbows-r-us.

>>Isn't that the other way around? The tail blotches on a moonglow will have a reduced border (similar to a sunglow) and a snow will have noticaeable borders like an albino?
>>>>I would not say going by the pattern would be the most accurate especially if say a monstertail hypo was used to create your tripple hets.
>>>>I would look at the tail blotches infront of the vent. If you can tell a hypo from a normal then you should be able to tell a moonglow from a snow. You are looking for the same difference .. the reduction of black pigment around the tail blotches just before the vent. In the case of a moonglow the 'black' will be more of a transulcent color. So basically when comparing a snow to a moonglow, you will see a distinguished boarder to the tail blotches just before the vent in a moonglow and a reduction of these boarders in a snow.
>>>>I dont like to get people upset by posting their picture, but look at a bunch of snow and moonglow pictures and you will see exactly what I am talking about.
>>>>- Jason F.
>>Dave Colling
>>0.1 Wife (WC)
>>0.2 kids (CBB, selectively bred from good stock)
>>LOL, to many snakes to list, last count:
>>12.24 BRB
>>11.13 BCI
>>And those are only the breeders
>>lots.lots.lots feeder mice and rats
- Jason F.


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