Posted by:
Jeff Clark
at Wed Dec 20 09:36:07 2006 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Jeff Clark ]
Sesha, ...Glad the snake finally made it and seems to be okay. Did you look at the shipping label on the box to make sure that the sender did in fact send it overnight express? I have had shippers lose two priority overnight express boxes over the last two years. In both cases attempts to get them to do something were pointless but they did finally get them delivered on the second morning after they were shipped and the snakes were fine.
...I would guess that a Dumerils Boa could last for several weeks to a month in a box if the temperatures were not too extreme. At some point the lack of water would cause physical harm to the snake. There are some desert species that could probably stay in a box with no food or water for a couple months and come out of it with harm except for some small weight loss. Some other species would have serious dehydration problems after just a couple days in the box. Most any healthy snake can go for a month or more without food with no permanent harm. Temperatures? I am guessing again but I think a Dumerils Boa would be fine for a week with temperatures anywhere between 60 and 90. The more time that they were exposed to temperatures below 60 the greater the chance of harm. Temperatures as low as 40 for a short time do not seem to harm boids.
...I am wondering if anyone has experiences they would share of boids going a long time without water and surviving? We all know about boids that have gone for as long as 15 months without eating and then resumed eating and been okay. Happy Holidays, Jeff
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