Posted by:
at Fri Dec 29 09:05:34 2006 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by derekroddy ]
I would have to agree with what has been said. The Hypo's , Axanthic, Albino, and the calico? would have to be a genetic thing. There are however many different looks to BHP's in their natural habitat. For instance... The red sand center of Aussie where BHP's are found seems to yeild more red banding where as the 80 mile beach area where the sand is really white, you get BHP's that look more Black and white. I've noticed that most of the "morphs" have come out of queensland animals. I don't know whether that's just because there is more of them floating around in captivity. True west animals are hard to find here because of the very few that made it to the states to begin with. To make it more difficult, breeders in the past were not concerned with keeping locale animals together. If you have a great looking Black and White was going to get bred to every ugly female that was waiting to be bred. Now thankfully, with guys like Matt, Jim, Myself and a few others...we can start to make a better future for them here in the states. From the information I've been able to dig up over the last 8 years....I've found that BHP's have 3 different locale throughout their range in Aussie. There are 3 different scalelation patterns on the heads of different locale animals. And we have them all here in the states. Now this is not proven but I have yet to find info or pics of any animals that came from a certain range that the head scales didn't match up. Now this is interesting because I have seen evidence of mixing 2 "locale types" and getting both in the litter here in the states!!! This screws us here in the states because we will never be able to undo the interbreeding, and know exactly what we have. In Aussie, these scale differences really make me wonder how much water this info really holds. I have all three type of head scales and will let you know this year what I find. I'll get some picture up of the different head scales this week so you can reference to your animals. Here are some of mine. Enjoy. Derek Roddy.
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