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RE: not a humidifier..vaporisor

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Posted by: Sesha at Thu Dec 28 00:13:00 2006   [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Sesha ]  

The air that is produced is cold. It was designed to humidify an entire was more for decorative purposes and it lacks modifications that would allow medications to be used. Anything other than distilled water causes it to fail to work and results in necessary cleanup. The aquarium I'm using has been modified and has insulation on three sides and on the bottom. The boa is still little and will shortly grow out of this cage. A larger cage is available and ready to go when that time comes.

The tank remains consistent in keeping a steady temperature, and drops about 5* at night. I've made some modifications to the water vapor producing device and for the past 3 hours the tank has maintained a steady 70% humidity. The major problem is keeping an ample supply of water, as it does run out. I tested the tank for approximately 3 weeks before the snake actually arrived. Using a humidity producing device was a new idea that I thought would make things a little easier for me. A gas heater has a tendency to dry out the air. In the summertime, I don't think I would require a humidifier and could just resort to daily misting. I never did like the idea of an aerator, and I think I will avoid using one when possible.

Her next cage is made from wood and has sliding glass doors in the front. Because she is a Dumeril's boa, she would stress out too much if I put her in the larger tank right now. This is a temporary setup and she will probably outgrow this smaller tank soon.

I've been watching her to see how she behaves. She hides during the daytime on the warm side of the tank and once the lights go out will emerge to explore the whole tank. I'd like to think that she is in part comfortable with her surroundings. I've worked very hard to give her plenty of hiding places, moss and such for her to hide in as she travels from one hiding place to another, and low branches to climb (which much to my surprise she uses occasionally at night).

Respiratory problems have been of great concern for me as she was lost in shipment for a while. She hasn't tried to soak in the water bowl and doesn't try desperately to get out of the tank. Based upon some colubrids I've had in the past and from what I've read and gathered from forums, I can only hope that she is in good health and not overly stressed.


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>> Next Message:  Why? - Paradigmboas, Thu Dec 28 03:49:29 2006

<< Previous Message:  not a humidifier..vaporisor - mkreptiles, Wed Dec 27 22:49:45 2006