Posted by:
at Tue Jan 2 18:27:46 2007 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by draybar ]
>>I was the one that named the rootbeer corns about ten years ago.I named them rootbeer cause thats exactly what they look like when they are the non amel version of a creamsicle. >>I also produced anerys,hypos and ghosts that were still 50% emoryi. >> >> >> >>
Hey Shannon, When I ask Don S, about emoryi crosses such as snow corn/emoryis and anery corn/emoryis he always referrs me to you. I was wondering...usually around in circles...LOL.. but anyway.. I was wondering if you had ever thought about names for the snows and anerys. We've played around with names a little but at this time there are only three that have basically become synonomous with emoryi/corn mixes. Rootbeer...normal emoryi/corn creamsicle...amel emoryi/ we know this was originally for the ones with the orange creamsicle look but has basically been adopted for any amel emoryi/corns and cinnamons for the hypo emoryi/corns I use emoryi mainly because it is the easiest to type but generally mean any of the three since there hasn't been a distinction made in these crossed to corns. Any thoughts, ideas or opinions on the whole subject would be GREATLY appreciated. one of my hypos...'05 cinnamon
----- Corn snakes and rat snakes..No one can have just one. "Resistance is futile" Jimmy Johnson (Draybar) Draybars Snakes
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