Posted by:
at Sun Jan 7 10:36:34 2007 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by STEVES_KIKI ]
LOOKS like an Anery to me. also known as "black albino" but not really accepted. which is a corn lacking the red pigment and most yellow except around the chin area. it might also be emory, but i have no experience with that breed of "corn snake" so hopefully someone else will put their input in Very pretty though! ~kin ----- ~Sober Serpents~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~SNAKIES~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Corns: .1 Normal (Gertrude) 1. Orange normal (Romeo) 1.2 Miami Phase (Hector, Emily, Charlotte) thanks jeff! 2. Miami Phase part zigzag (Starkey, Mcvitty) 1. Amel het Blizzard (Dunesbury) .1 Blizzard (Detta) 1. Classic het Hypo, poss het Amel, Anery (Cobra) 1.1 Classics (Henry VIII, Cassy) .1 Deep Red Amel (Pepperoni) *1. Deep red amel coming soon! 1.1 Hypo zig zags poss HET Caramel (Bernard, Abegail) .1 Hypo HET Stripe (Gracie Lou) 1. Hypo Stripe (Gideon) 1.1 Anery HET Motley (Lleroy, Persia) .1 Candy Cane (Peaches HoneyBlossom) 1. Abbotts Okeetee (Albert) 1.1 Snow (Crickle, Isis) .1 Green Snow (Maya) 1. Caramel poss HET Butter (Topher) .1 Anery stripe (V) .1 Orange Reverse Okeetee (Lonna) 1.2 Bloodred HET Amel 1. Amel HET Bloodred
Others: 1.1 Black rats (Willard, Cecily) 1.1 Striped Cal Kings (Dweezil, Skunky) 1. High-white Reverse Spotted Cal King (Wishbone) *.1 soon! .1 Albino Stripe Cal King (Eve) .1 Bananna spotted/stripe cal king (Speckle) Thanks Jeff!!! 1.1 Thayeri (Giuseppe, Cheyenne) 1.1 Creamsicle HET Motley(Orangejello, Genevieve) 1. Creamsicle motley (no name) Thanks Jimmy!!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~LEOPARD GECKOS~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .1 Blizzard (Blitz) .1? High yellow (no name) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~TURTLES~~~~~~~~~~~~ .1 white cheeked mud (Opel) .1 snapping turtle (no name, ideas welcome)
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