Posted by:
at Mon Jan 8 17:09:08 2007 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by bcijoe ]
Happy New Year to you and Kathy!
I am still in New York but plan on possibly being down in Miami within 3 months time.
About the names... lol... i've seen anything with an aberrancy be called so many things over the years... lol...
I figured at first, refer to them like this so people can identify with them, then after i've done more breeding/proving out, i'd like to try to pick a name a little more unique and less abused... the last thing we all need is everyone asking if their snake is the 'new morph', like we had seen in the past with another popular morph. lol
I also know we've seen a little more of this type of pattern lately (or lack of) and I want to be able to distinguish one line from another, if in fact they are different from one another.
Now for the fun part... waiting! LOL
Thanks again and take care! Joe ----- Thanks and take care - Joe Rollo 'Tis not the stongest of the species that will eventually survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change' Charles Darwin
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