Posted by:
at Mon Jan 8 17:58:13 2007 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by rainbowsrus ]
the wet pillowcase trick?
Turn a pillowcase inside out (don't want any loose strings for the snake to get tangled in) Get it nice ands wet. Put your snake in it, tie it shut and put the snake and bag back into the enclosure in a place that won't be too hot or cold. Important to keep right temps since it's wet and the snake won't be able to leave the pillow case. This can help getting stuck sheds off. There are also some comercially available shedding aids but I've never used one so can't really talk about them.
>>My snake had started to look rather dried out, like she was going to shed... but she didn't. I increaced the humidity in my tank and soaked her. Most of her shed came off, but she still hasn't shed her head. I've soaked her several times now, and it still won't come off. Any suggestions? ----- Thanks,
Dave Colling
0.1 Wife (WC) 0.2 kids (CBB, selectively bred from good stock)
LOL, to many snakes to list, last count: 12.25 BRB 12.14 BCI And those are only the breeders
lots.lots.lots feeder mice and rats
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