Posted by:
at Tue Jan 9 08:42:34 2007 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by raptor1 ]
Hi, Can anyone give me any advice/suggestions on why my Boas are not breeding(yet). I have a Female BCI .Her age is uknown ,but I got her approx 2 years ago she was then about 6' she is now about 8-9' My male I got at 3 mths old he is now 20mths old. I have had them both kept seperatley (until recently) The ambient temp day time is 78 degrees, hot spot of cage is 90 degrees - coolest spot same as ambient temp. The ambient temp at night is 74 degrees hot spot of cage drops to 80 degrees. I mist three times a day. I put the male in with her on the 26th of nov - nothing hapened after a week, they just sort of stay together under the heat- but i ma guessing thats why they say together - heat. I offerd food to the female while seperate she downed 2 jumbo rats. He refused food. I put them together again the 5th of dec, this time with another male - nothing happened . I pulled the other male out after 12 hours as I was unsure if I should leave them together while I could not observe them at regular intervals. I took the male out again for another week.Basically without being to long winded about this. I have now put him back in with the female - but nothing seems to be happening regarding breeding. There just "together" under the heat. By the way the room lighting is only through natural daylight. Any help or advice? Thanks Alan
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