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RE: Update from a Novice Owner

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Posted by: jayf at Tue Jan 9 20:30:06 2007   [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by jayf ]  

Sounds like you are off to a good start. I have a few suggestions ...

You are planning on switching to f/t and it is my expreience that the earlier you start the easier it is. This being said, try offering pre killed prey for a while. If that works, then you can go right to frozen thawed.

Second, I suggest feeding on appropriate sized prey item a feeding over two smaller. I am not sure if you are feeding a rat or mouse fuzzie but if it is a mouse I would suggest switching to a rat fuzzie. For most of its adult life it will be eating rats so it is best to get her used to them early.

Lastly, I am an advocate for feeding inside the cage as opposed to in a seperate container. My reasoning for this is that the worst case is you dont ever interact with the snake while its in the cage (ie. dont hold em, change water, spot clean, check temps etc) and she associates cage opening with feeding. I would rather her associate cage opeining with feeding and be fine when out of the cage then associate coming out of the cage with feeding. I also feel that if you regularly interact with the snake while in the cage (ie. holding, changing water, cleaning, checking temps. etc) then the snake will not associate cage opening with feeding (the reason most decide to feed outside the cage).

This is all my opinion and should be taken as such. You seem to be on the right track, these are just things I have learned that work better for me in the past.
- Jason F.


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