Posted by:
at Thu Jan 11 12:40:20 2007 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by rainbowsrus ]
This year I have 5 pairs of BCI's I'm attempting to breed:
M x F 1) 2004 het coral albino pos jungle X 2000 het coral albino 2) 2004 albino het snow X 2004 DH snow 3) 2004 albino pos het stripe X 2004 DH sunglow 4) 2005 Salmon pos jungle X 2003 salmon pos super 5) 2005 summit salmon x 2003 pastel CBLT
Pairs 1, 2 and 3 went at it pretty much as soon as I put them together. Pair 1 is done and she looks gravid, Pair 2 also appears to be done and I think she is also gravid but not as obvious and pair 3 is still going at it. The other two pairs have younger males and they are just not interested.
Now for the interesting (IMO) observation. Last night I took the male from pair 1 and put him with each of the two unbred females (pairs 4 and 5). Right away he started courting and one was even lifting her tail saying come on over big boy. He was all over them. Unfortunately (for him) neither was a pairing I wanted so I put him back with his gravid girlfriend. He immediately curled up and went "back to sleep" that is of they sleep. Point is when he was in the cage with a ready to go female, he was all over her. When he went back into the cage with a already gravid female, he left her alone. Must be some pheromones involved big time!!
The albino het anery male (paoir 2) that I'm less certain was done but still prety sure is now servicing the salmon female. Again, he was just laying around doing nothing, that is until he was in the cage with a receptive female, then it was down to business courting her.
Comments appreciated, has anyone else noticed anything similar? ----- Thanks,
Dave Colling
0.1 Wife (WC) 0.2 kids (CBB, selectively bred from good stock)
LOL, to many snakes to list, last count: 12.25 BRB 12.14 BCI And those are only the breeders
lots.lots.lots feeder mice and rats
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