Posted by:
at Tue Feb 13 20:19:15 2007 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by TnK ]
No Morph = NO MONEY No Money = NO Pride No Pride = Just another pathetic human looking for social status welfare.
>>For her to be a pastel she needs to display an "overall wash of reduced black" according to the Boaphile. Overall means on the sides too and everywhere. This is why I said she's borderline, a low end pastel or a better than average looking colorful normal. If I were to buy a pastel I would never buy this snake as a pastel. As a colorful normal she is beautiful. There nothing wrong with a beautiful normal. Why must every look in a snake me a morph? >> >>Caden >> >> >>>>Look at the top of the saddles a definite reduction in black. Pastels are boas with a "reduction" in black not "no" black. And i wouldn't call it a low end because I've seen pastels with less black but still not as much color. Thats a nice snake. I have a TJ pastel from Jeff Ronne himself that was labled pastel, its got about the same amount of black on the 'dallions. Not as nice a color though. >>>> >>>>Very nice snake you got, will make some interesting projects. >>>>----- >>>>2.3 Bearded Dragons >>>>1.0 Pastel Ball Pythons (NERD Line) >>>>0.0.1 Water Monitors >>>>1.1 Pastel Red Tailed boa Het. for Albino >>>>1.1 Yellow Ackie Monitors >>>>And Counting...
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