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I'm a Cobra / Surgery update

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Posted by: STUART at Thu Feb 15 15:53:08 2007   [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by STUART ]  

And the best cobra impression goes to.....Big Albino girl Any way I need to get some pictures of her surgery. The vet says she has them. This girl grew a large tumor pretty quickly just behind the vent about the size of a tennis ball (if you look closely at the photo you can see the part that was cut out). The vet removed the mass and and stitched her up. She has a very large chunk taken from her tail area now. The vet says looked like something may have punctured the vent causing the tumor maybe during a bowel movement. Any how she had surgery and was there for 3 days with a drain in her tail. When I took her home she was lethargic and I was afraid for her life. She was just too stressed out from shots and drains and handlings plus everything else. So I set her up in her cage and left her alone. When I went to start giving her shots for pain medication, anti inflamatory, and antibiotic she got very grumpy and hissed like youve never heard. Which I took as a good sign. Almost one month later now she is almost back to normal. She still has lots of stitches which come out in two more weeks. I need to get pictures of her tail. It was something I have NEVER seen in all my years of keeping snakes. It did cost an awful lot for surgery and meds but I think it was worth it!! Sory so long!


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>> Next topic:  Hypo Harlequin het albino - STUART, Thu Feb 15 17:53:47 2007
<< Previous topic:  Genetics question............ - SNAKE26, Thu Feb 15 15:06:02 2007