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RE: These laws are only stepping stones.

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Posted by: tsusnakeguy at Sat Mar 17 01:26:44 2007   [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by tsusnakeguy ]  

I am not saying this doesn't affect me because I do own boas that get rather large. I am just saying if I can get a permit and then never have to worry again about my snake collection and the legal system, then I am fine with it. That law talked about non-native constrictors. Which that most likely means any constrictor outside of the U.S. Now I didnt say that law was perfect but I do like the idea of it. I would rather everyone that wants to own a boa or python, and no I dont mean thinks like sand boas, rosy boas, childrens pythons and other small constrictors, go through some sort of system to either educate them and then they get a liscense or someone comes and looks at how they house them or whatever. It would stop things like the burmese in the Everglades and all these reports of a 16 foot snake found in someones back yard. It would stop pet stores from being able to sell a burm or retic to some stupid teenager that things its cool because they can feed it live mice but o wait it will get to big, so they just let it go.

I also understand you saying it may not stop at just that but how about you fight it until you find the situation you like best. I think if we could get it to stop at just a permit for snakes over 6-8 feet, then we are fine.
1.1 Motley het butter corns
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0.1 Okeetee corn
1.0 Anery mutt corn
0.1 Stripe Ghost corn
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2.1 Colombian Redtails
1.0 Hypo Colombian redtail
1.0 Brazilian Rainbow Boa
1.0 Anery Kenyan sand boa
0.1 Normal Kenyan sand boa


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<< Previous Message:  These laws are only stepping stones... - PGoss, Thu Mar 15 22:32:20 2007