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Posted by: Jeremy Stone at Fri Mar 16 16:48:23 2007   [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Jeremy Stone ]  

How did you know I wore Superman Underoos? Dangit.....

I don't think the Dolls are unnecessary. If you don't like that and just want a crown, I'll give you a nice Burger King one. You know, the ones they give out to kids that have partys there.

I will put some jewels on the crown, and you can have Bill, Jeff, and Mike sign the Crown. You can walk around Daytona with it on. That would BE AWESOME. However, I would go Shirt less if I were you. You being 4' 11 and 1/2" I think it would be impossible to miss. You could go Shirtless with that mass amount of hair on your chest.

I got it!!!! We could shave MOTLEY KING on your chest too. Maybe not shave. I'll bring the Nads!!!! Then you would definately be considered the KING by ALL!!!!

Come to think of it, it all is really uncessary. People can spot that Due on your head a Mile away, and they could just sense you being the king.

I'm still baffled at how you knew I wore those Superman doos. I used to wear them under my toughskins. I hated how they took the tough skin off the market. Those were the BEST pants ever.

On a serious note. Those are some AWESOME Motleys. I bet they are going to be SMOKERS when they are bigger. You are making me proud..... Now show off the Sunglow Motley. (the Other one)!!!!



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>> Next topic:  Pre-ovulation swell - lexxxx300, Fri Mar 16 09:31:51 2007
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