Posted by:
Chris Jones
at Sat Apr 28 09:53:32 2007 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Chris Jones ]
Jesus is a historical figure as proved by some 40 extra-biblical texts.
Some may say that the Bible cannot be trusted as a historical proof.
They either don't realize or just forgot that it is actually comprised of 66 letters and sacred texts written over several continents and with in a 2,000 year span of time (proven by your own science - can't have iot both ways).
It isn't "A" book, per se. It is lots and lots of texts and ancient documents that somehow seem to be interlocked and all tell the genealogy of the historical figure of Jesus the Christ. Yes, even the OT.
Judasism is the oldest religion. That's it. The jews (read: Israelites when they were all one people - 12 tribes) prayed to Elohym "YHWH", the only God. When they couldn't follow the rules, God sent his Son Jesus to be that sacrificial lamb for all of us Jews and gentiles alike.
He dieds on a cross to pay the penalty we have all inherited.
I realize that humanism wants us all to say that we are the captains of our own ship.
Having to be ultimately responsible for our actions and accountable to God is a tough thing to swallow.
But it's true.
God loves you.
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