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RE: Whoa! Hold up a minute........

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Posted by: WALL2WALLREPTILE at Wed Mar 21 16:12:40 2007   [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by WALL2WALLREPTILE ]  

As I said,
Efforts have paid off... SO FAR.
And, as I was NOT at the meeting, I was only able to relay the information that I have received thus far from Tim Cole.

I do hope that Dave or Tracy Barker will be able to present the facts of what HAS been accomplished.
It was my understanding that constrictors have been reomoved from the language of the proposed bill.

The fight to maintain the rights of Reptile Keepers in ANY State, County, Province or City is never finished.
And, while I personally may see ANY compromises to the freedoms currently held by residents of Texas as a step in the wrong direction, it is certainly better to have a group of dedicated herpers assisting lawmakers to create a more reasonable proposed bill.

There is another meeting scheduled. And, I am sure there will be many more meetings before any votes are cast and laws are passed. None of us can say what the future outcome will be.

I understand that there was a great turn out at this first meeting. LOTS of reptile enthusiests were in attendance.
HB 1309 has not been voted on yet.
It WAS my intention to thank those of you who have written letters and supported the opposition to this ill proposed bill.
It does sound like progress was made at this forst of many meetings. That is GOOD NEWS.

However, Brad is correct when he said, "We have NOT YET WON."
I have received emails asking about how the meeting went.
As you may know from my original post... I live in COLORADO.
So, as stated in each of my posts above, I am merely passing on the updates I was given from others who WERE in attendance to the Austin, TX Council Meeting.
I am glad so many good people took the time to attend the meeting.
This shows that we have some unity and that we will not give in without a fight. Let's keep it up!

When working to protect your rights, the battle is NEVER won and finished. This is likely one of many such battles...and unfortunately, in more States than Texas alone.

If you really want to maintain your rights as reptile keepers, you will need to be in this for the LONG HAUL.


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<< Previous Message:  Whoa! Hold up a minute........ - brhaco, Wed Mar 21 10:23:39 2007