Posted by:
at Wed Mar 28 21:08:20 2007 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Randall_Turner ]
Thanks Randall, but what do you mean locality animals? Like Central American, Hog Island, Caulker Cay etc. Gus' website has a good bit of information for several locality animals.
As far as the enclosure goes I was thinking 4ft long x 2ft wide x 2ft tall, would this be large enough for a redtail for 5 years or so? It should be plenty large enough for most Boas their entire life.
The bottom was planned to be 1/4" glass so heat would transfer well, I would probably make the back and 2 ends solid, the front 1/8-3/16 glass, the top would probably be 1/2 solid, half screen, this should keep the heat in and allow good air flow, heat lamp placed above screened section and under tank heater on opposite end. How does this sound? Regarding the glass bottom, it will probably cause more headaches then benefits.(If it gets too hot without enough circulation could crack) I would go with 1/4" plastic sheeting which you can get for fairly cheap at sign shops. If you have a sign shop in your area call to see if they carry expanded PVC, its around 90 bucks for a 4'x8' sheet locally and I know of cheaper (or sometimes higher) prices in different areas. Also I wouldn't go with an entire half top screen, could depending on your region cause humidity issues. I would get a humidity reading average for the room you plan to keep it, and decide from there.
I need to do some research as to what temps they prefer but I remember 85-90 degrees being in the ballpark. I appreciate any info. Thanks Again Kevin L You will find a variable range for recommended temps. The average I keep mine at is 80-82 ambient with a hot spot of 90. With humidity around 55-60% ----- Randall L Turner Jr.
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