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Posted by: ChrisGilbert at Thu Mar 29 18:01:01 2007   [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by ChrisGilbert ]  

Most of you have seen this list before (I'm trying to keep it up to date). If you see ANY errors please let me know. What I am looking for are the breeders responsible for first producing each mutation or proving it genetic if the original producer is unknown. Also in what year that occured.

I. Boa constrictor ssp.
II. B.c.imperator
a. Colombian
i. Leticia
ii. Baranquilla
iii. Morphs
1. Recessive
a. Kahl Albino
b. Sharp Albino
c. Anerythristic
d. Scoria
e. Kahl Stripe
f. T /Carmel Albino
g. Carmel/Boawoman Hypo
h. Euro Squaretail
i.Gray Patternless (UNKNOWN)
j.Harlequin Patternless (unknown)
k. Pearl (UNKNOWN RIP)
2. Co-dominant
a. Motley
b. Jungle
c. Jaguar
3. Dominant
a. Hypomelanistic
b. Aztec (possible co-dom)
c. Arabesque
d. Magma (possible co-dom)
4. Dual (albino morphs without designation are Kahl)
a. Sunglow (Super)
b. Sharp Sunglow (Super)
c. Striped Albino
d. Snow
e. Albino Arabesque
f. Albino Motley
g. Albino Jungle
h. Ghost (Super)
i. Hypo Jungle (Super)
j. Hypo Motley (Super)
k. Hypo Arabesque
l. Motley Arabesque (RIP)
m. Motley Jungle
n. Hypo Super Motley (RIP)
o. Pastel Albino
p. Pastel Sharp
q. Pastel Motley
r. Pastel Hypo
s. EBV Motley
t. Striped Arabesque
u. Sharp Snow (2007)
v. Paradigm
5. Triple
a. Striped Sunglow
b. Sunglow Arabesque
c. Sunglow Motley
d. Hypo Motley Arabesque (RIP)
e. Sunglow Jungle
f. Moonglow (Hypo Snow)
g. Pastel Sunglow
h. Pastel Sharp Sunglow
i. Albino Super Jungle
j. Harlequin Orange-Tail Hypo Motley (H.O.T.ley)
k. Sharp SnowGlow (tentative 2007)
l. Ghost Motley (rumored)
m. Hypo Paradigm (tentative 2007)
6. Other (includes mutts/unknown locale)
a. Pastel
b. Harlequin
c. EBV Red Group
d. Purple Patternless
e. Mocha
f. Super Motley
g. Super Jungle
h. Pearlescent
i. Orangasm Hypo
j. Hypo Harlequin
k. New morph X (secret project)
l. New morph X2 (secret project)
b. Mexican
i. Sonoran
1. Hypo
2. New morph Z (not public)
3. Super Hypo
4. Type II Anery
5. Leopard
a. Black
b. High Contrast
c. High Color
d. Striped
ii. Tarahumara Mt.
iii. CanCun
1. Hypo
2. Kahl Albino (cross)
iv. Main
1. Albino
c. Nicaraguan
i. T Albino
ii. Kahl Albino (cross)
iii. Type II Anery
1. Ghost
2. Super Ghost
3. Blizzard (RIP) (Cross)
iv. Motley
1. C.A. Motley
2. C.A. Super motley
3. Sutherland motley
4. Sutherland Red Motley
5. Hypo Motley
v. Hypomelanistic
1. Super Hypo
vi. Sutherland New Morph
d. Costa Rican
i. Western
1. Black Pearl (like Leopard)
ii. Eastern/Central
e. Panamanian
i. Hypo
ii. Reverse Striped
iii. Hypo reverse striped
iv. Hypo Colombian lines (cross)
1. Salmon
2. Gee Line
3. Orangetail
f. Honduran
g. Hog Island
i. Patternless
ii. Hypo Hogg (cross)
iii. Sunset (cross)
iv. Peruvian Cross
v. Colombian Cross
vi. Orange Flame (Suriname cross)
h. Roatan Island
i. Firebelly
i. Belize
i. Cay Caulker
ii. Crawl Cay
1. White phase
j. El Salvador
i. Blood
1. Pewter
2. Bloody Salmon (cross)
ii. Type II Anery
III. B.c.constrictor
a. Suriname
i. Albino (PURE)
ii. Kahl Albino (cross)
iii. Hypo (cross)
iv. Motley (cross)
b. Guyana
i. Sharp Albino (cross)
ii. Hypo (cross)
c. French Guiana
d. Peru
i. Iquitos
1. Blood (PURE not alike to El Salvador mutation)
ii. Pulcalpa
e. Colombia
i. Arabesque (cross)
f. Venezuela
i. Imperator ?
ii. Paraguanera ?
g. Brazil
i. Belem
ii. North Brazil
1. Leucistic
IV. B.c.occidentalis
a. Argentina
i. T Albino
ii. Motley
iii. T Motley
iv. Salmontine (cross)
v. Albino (cross)
V. B.c.sabogae
a. Pearl Islands
i. Patternless
b. Saboge
VI. B.c.orophias
a. St. Lucia
VII. B.c.nebulosa
a. Dominica
VIII. B.c.melanogaster
a. Ecuador
IX. B.c.ortoni
a. Peru
X. B.c.amarli
a. Bolivia
i. Orange Crush
ii. Silverback
iii. Blonde
iv. Red
v. Purple
vi. Patternless
b. South Brazil
i. Striped
ii. Patternless
XI. B.c.longicauda
a. Northwest Peru
i. Anerythristic
ii. Hypo
XII. B.c.sigma
a. Tres Marias Islands


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>> Next Message:  Sorry about that... - ChrisGilbert, Thu Mar 29 18:04:09 2007
>> Next Message:  A list of just morphs... - ChrisGilbert, Thu Mar 29 18:13:50 2007