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at Sat Mar 31 08:22:08 2007 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by NCHornet ]
hey y'all, I always had reptiles of one kind or another when I was a kid and young adult. Well now I am the ancient age of 40 and I want to get back into snakes. I want a redtail boa specifically, but a lot has changed in 20-25 years, all we had then available was Colmbian Redtails. I really like the Surinam's but heard they don't make the greatest pets, is this true? Most recommend a Imperator, I think that is the spelling. Any advice on a sub species would be of great help, I know I want a toungster, also if you can recommend a breeder that would be great. Now for the cage. I was thinking 4ft long x 2ft wide x 2 ft tall. I will use 3/4" birch or oak plywood, for the back, sides, and probably 1/2" for the bottom. I will cover the inside with 1/8" plexiglass for easy cleaning. The front I planned on dividing into two equal 1/4" glass sections. The top would be 1/2 solid and maybe 1/2 a screened frame that would slide in a Dado or groove. I thought a full screened top would disipate to much heat. I would make the solid part removable as well for cleaning purposes. Will the stick on heating pads heat through 1/2" plywood and 1/8" plexiglass, or should I make the bottom 1/4" glass instead? I have seen many cages where they use sliding doors to access the interior, do y'all think this might be a better way to go? I was planning on having one large stick on pad on the bottom of the end that had the solid top, then over the screened top section I would have a heat lamp, and adjust the heat accordingly at each end. Or would it be better to regulate the two ends with different size under tank heaters each controlled with a different thermostat, one at 82 degrees and maybe 95 for the other? I think this would be easier than heating with light, because if you heat with light you need two different bulbs one UV heat lamp for day time and one infared for nightime, and I am not sure how that would work. If I use the 1/4" plate glass for the bottom that would give me the most heat transfer, is it reasonable to think that undertank heaters alone can heat this large of an area? BTW. I plan on keeping the snake in a downstairs room where I have a hot tub that stays covered. The humidity level stays regular between 55 and 60%. I have a dehumidifier that keeps the entire room at that level. Well as you can see I have a lot of questions and y'all probably get tired of us newbies but I would really appreciate the help. I would love a Surinam as long as they aren't to snippy. I know snakes will vary by individual like people but some species are known to be more aggressive than others. Thanks everyone!! Kevin
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