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My first Albino / Sunglow litter

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Posted by: trivalleycon at Sat Apr 7 01:22:20 2007   [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by trivalleycon ]  

Day 116 from POS I get my first litter of 2007

Well my wait for my first litter of the year is finally over. Electra had her babies today on day 116 from her POS. I still haven't been able to remove the babies from the cage as mom is still checking them all out. Once she moves to the other side of the cage I can get a better idea on how this litter turned out. So far it is AWESOME.

I thought at 9:30 this morning something would happen really soon. But Electra decided too make it even more agonizing for me. and waited a few more hours before dropping her load. .

From the very beginning

It didn't look to be starting off that great. I saw this and my heart sunk to the floor. I was devastated. I thought the worst was going to happen with the rest of the litter. An awful slug

But then right after the slug, the first hypo Het albino was born. My heart was still pounding like a jackhammer, but was satisfied that the entire litter didn't slug out. Now it was just a matter of seeing if I was going to get albino's and Sunglows or not.

Then I was overjoyed and damn near hootin and holerin at the top of my lungs. I ran outside and let out a nice load scream, as if I just caught the biggest fish of my life.

just a bunch of pics now.

Poor old mom did a fantastic job, She is skinny as heck now. Time to thaw out a XXXL Rat for her.

More pictures to come. I got to get the babies out of the cage and seperated from mom. She is hovering over them like a hawk.

Ken Burns
Tri Valley Constrictors


The father was a hypo Pos. Het albino. Which is now a Proven Het

Pretty good numbers too
Baby Count:

5 Normal Het albino

8 Hypo Double Het

6 Sunglows

7 Albinos

1 Slug
No stillborn

26 perfect babies total (my largest litter so far)

Cont..... More pics

I seperated the Albino's and Sunglows first. Who wouldn't with there first litter of white boa's?

Here are the Hypo's along with the normals in the tub in which they were born in. OH and the lone slug

And all 26 in a new clean tub, Its still gooey

The Sunglow on the bottom left is the lone baby with a little yoke left, he should be fine, but I'll keep my eye on him.

Here is the Sunglow again with the partial yoke, got some nice colors.

couple sweet lookin hypo

One of the Sunglows

Well time to see if mom will take a rat. I'm sure she's hungry. She last ate on March 2nd.

I'm diggin the pin stripes and finelines on the hypos and sunglows. (no these are not from the Proven fineline or other Pin striped boas that have been labeled already). It was just the best description I have for them at the time

I hope you guys like um I do
Ken Burns
Tri Valley Constrictors


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>> Next Message:  RE: Thanks too Shane Kinney and Clay Eng - trivalleycon, Sat Apr 7 01:27:36 2007
>> Next Message:  Hye Ken, major congrats...... - rainbowsrus, Sat Apr 7 01:32:54 2007
>> Next Message:  congrats, awesome pics np - FRoberts, Sat Apr 7 01:34:54 2007
>> Next Message:  RE: My first Albino / Sunglow litter - L.A.Snakes, Inc., Sat Apr 7 06:43:53 2007
>> Next Message:  Congratulations, some great looking - kirby, Sat Apr 7 07:35:10 2007